For example; these three.
Who ever thought parking lots disliked being parked on? Well, you would too if you were parked on all day.
I don't think they'd like to know what kind of stuff I play with.
Who knew evil could be so economical?
Well, I'm pretty booked up solid...I think I still may have to...
Is this like the Gun Registry? After hearing some bands and singers play lately, they could be considered deadly aural weapons.
But what if I can't?
I don't have the car. Can I have the appointment instead?
There was one during the winter at the paint store just up on King George…which I should have caught. It read "It's not TOO COLD to PAINT indoors".my response: "Yo, Duuuude, A good reason to get High on Paint Fumes, eh..." Well, that's the funny signs I've seen recently. I'll keep an eye out for more. If you have any suggestions or have seen any funny ones recently let me know.