Flashmobs are becoming extremely popular around the world. Usually it's a form of artistic impression and spontaneous performance. Most are the usual popular music tunes but even the classical music world has started putting out these kinds of spontaneous productions. I especially love the baroque music "flash-mobs" - call it a "random act of culture".
Evidently a choir in Ontario put on a flash mob of Handel's Hallelujah Chorus from the oratorio "The Messiah" in a food court.
Meanwhile, over in Great Britain, the Morrison's grocery store...got a flash mob, courtesy of Classic FM (a British Classical Music radio station) who assembled a group of professional musicians to play one of the most famous Handel Coronation Anthems "Zadok The Priest"

Having performed the "Hallelujah Chorus" and "Zadok The Priest" before - I wouldn't be able to resist joining in...
I wish there were more "flashmobs" like this in Vancouver.