We, Asian-Canadians, need to be able to carry for our own protection and I'm not saying that its just Asians who should be able to, but anyone who is legally able to after having gone through background checks. I've got no problem with sticking up verbally and physically against some stupid dumbfuck who says "I'm gonna fucking knock you out." I'd hope he was capable enough of trying to knock me out in a fair one on one fight. But when that individual is with 3 or 4 of his burly white or black thug type friends, we Asians are at a bit of a disadvantage. I stand about 5'7" - 195 pounds soaking wet - in the USA, I'd probably be a card-carrying NRA, conservative. I would protect my family with my life and that's the only reason why I would carry.
You try to steal my rightful possessions or try to harm any member of my family, I should be able to put three shots center-mass in you whatever calibre in legal self-defense at the time that the illegal assault is occuring. As I like to say, there's a solution for delinquency - "it's a double-tap to the head".
People complain about criminals and advocate for gun laws. The problem with that picture is that the criminals don't use stores to get guns, they obtain them through the "black market" or by breaking into homes where a firearm is unsecured. You won't find a gangbanger going into a gunshop and buying a gun. He knows where he can get one for free.
We've seen the legal system in Canada swinging all the way to perp-coddling with 10 years sentences for murders. That is why the gun-owning populace is getting concerned with how our safety is thought of by the police and by the government.
Are we expendable targets for gangs and two-bit thugs? If someone tries to jack my car, I would (with legal carry permit), draw my then-legal sidearm and put two rounds in him, because given a 'him or me' situation, I'm going home to my wife and family and there is no negotiation on that point. I was the same way in security. I carried around a 4D Maglite regardless of the fact that the supervisors wanted me to only carry 3 - and I said and I quote. "If some jack punk decides he's going to take a swing at me in the parkade and he's got 4 or 5 of his drunk ass buddies with him, I'm going to lay his ass out, then I'm going to ask them "Who's next? I'm going home to my family at the end of my shift whether you like it or not." (now this was in the good ol' or bad ol' days before they allowed SOs to carry pepper-spray and handcuffs)
So...what's it going to be, Canada, are you going to allow the criminals to run amok in the streets. You're doing it already with the gangbangers who are allowed to run around capping each other not caring which innocent civilians get shot. And citizens who abide by the laws are living in fear. There's a simple solution. More of us need to be able to arm ourselves. If the police aren't going to protect us, we should be able to protect ourselves, and the lives of our loved ones. And if it takes double-tapping a wannabe gangbanger in the head who decides to break down the door because he wants to get initiated. So be it. Make the gangbangers afraid of who the hell they target, because that target could be armed and willing to respond. You fucking want to roll-over my family and take my legally obtained possessions because you want street cred, you'd better hope to hell you are willing to risk your life for it, because I'll put two man-stopper frangibles through your thug-life gangster ass between your 3rd and 6th ribs, center mass through the heart - full-stop.