If there's one thing that gets a lot of use on my computer, it's my graphics application program - Photoshop Elements. I use version 8. It has to be one of the most useful programs I've got. Since I'm a photographer, I tend to like to use that program for post processing. Even after 4 years of utilizing Elements, I haven't broken the tip of the iceberg on how to utilize this program, but I'm slowly learning. I mostly tend to utilize photoshop when I'm color-correcting or editing my photos.
...and no, I haven't seen an F5 tornado come up along the Fraser River lately. That's PURE photoshop trickery.

Nor have I seen a nuclear mushroom cloud go up over Rogers Arena. At least not yet, because Torts hasn't "blown up" on the Canucks as of yet, despite their losing streak.

This is purely fictional.
My latest PS creation: "Reason #1 to not drive a hydrogen-powered car".

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