There is this game that my sons have introduced me to. A first person shooter game involving tanks created by the Russians called "Tanki". Simple controls, space bar to shoot and a ton of people playing this MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) game. It's addictively fun to upgrade your tank (the reason for collecting crystals - the currency in this game) and seeing just how effective your tank is in different scenarios (battles). There's a variety of different locations that you can battle in. My favorites being Serpuhov and Highland. There are others including an insanely fun battleground aptly named Madness (a stuck in space battleground) where you hurl yourself off the highest point and tumble (hoping to heck through God and Superior Firepower) that you can land on your treads and continue in the game, most of the time you land on your back (turtled) and have to hit delete to self-destruct). You also upgrade through different ranks (and each leveling up affects how many crystals you get. The higher rank you are, the more crystals you can get. You also get a certain number of XP (how much XP you have is how you level up) for killing opponents (a lower amount for killing someone lower rank than you, a higher XP value is assigned when you kill someone that ranks higher than you in the game.
This game is insanely fun and absolutely a hit to play. My sons are addicted to the game and thanks to them, now I am too.

If you want to play a game that's fun and addictive, come on and join Tanki Online. And prepare to have a BLAST of a time. Добро пожаловать в России, товарищ!
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