Yep, most people immediately, when they think of an mysanthropic loner, they think of the Unabomber or some psycho who pulls out a gun and shoots up places because he's pissed off at the world. Well, there are those kind of psychos and then there's the people who just find that other people just aren't worth their time to deal with.
I'll admit there's been a few times where a strategically placed fragmentation grenade down their shorts would have been so soul-satisfying as to deal with those irritating assholes who persist in getting in my face, but I'm just not that kind of a person. I'd rather that they remove themselves from that situation and leave me the hell alone. That is not misanthropy. Misanthropy is when you get to the point that someone is wasting the oxygen that some other valuable life-form can breathe and you wish nothing more than to see the annoying person who is wasting that said oxygen remove himself/herself from the homo-sapien gene-pool.
In over four decades of life, I have seen countless people who fit the description of that including members of my own maternal relations (including my own mother) who happen to be abusively pedantic jack-asses. People who have nothing better to do than to spread lies and invective against someone who is minding their own business, just wanting to make their own way in life - the ones who don't get the simple idea of "fuck off and die". Those are the type of people that I hate the most and think that they should become animated dummies at a claymore test-firing range.

Running second on the list are the know-it-alls - the one's who think that they are the be all and end all purveyer of all knowledgeable things and if one doesn't bow down to their supreme Know-It-All-ness that they are to be scorned and ridiculed. A rusty pipe jammed through the ears and rotated inside the cranial passage to effect maximum damage is the best solution that I can come up for those type of people.

Narcissistic Psychopaths pretty much rate the third on the list - The assholes who want attention and don't care how they get it - whether by picking on other people or behaving like idiotic " suck, look at me, I want attention" trolls - being strapped to an atomic bomb and vaporized on the White Sands Proving Grounds would be a fitting fate for these aberrations of social society.

What people need to get through their heads is when an introvert says he/she needs downtime, that doesn't mean that you drag him/her to a cocktail party. He/she wants that time alone to recharge and reboot. Given enough time, we'll emerge to socialize for a while. But let us have the time to recharge our batteries or else we turn into something else...
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