Sunday, August 14, 2011

More cleanup and a late-evening trip to Cloverdale

Been extremely busy with house chores over the past few hours. I'd really like to get the living room and our bedroom done so that Storm and I can actually get out and do a few fun things like go up and take photos of the various parks within our walking distance. Suffice it to say, it will be fun to go down to Bear Creek Park while Heather is at work and take some shots.

Needless to say, half my afternoon was destroyed by a stupid hacker infiltrating my computer with a stinkin' virus. I'm just glad that I was able to disinfect it. Unfortunately, I was unable to salvage my startup menu and my Lightroom icon went POOF. Oh, well, it was just a trial anyways and I managed to find it so that I could stick it on my desktop startup bar.

Stormi is asleep after eating quite a bit, but I'm going to have to feed her some more when she gets up. The weather has been rather warm so I'm grateful for a fan in any case. The $250.00 gift card from showed up and Heather got herself a Canucks track jacket and Cameron got himself a Canucks youth jersey (Heather got it for him; he doesn't even know it yet). Looking forward to seeing the look on his face when he gets home to see it.

Edited a few pics today. Not many...and I have to also figure out the programs that I'm going to have to get in order to do some major cleanup of my computer. I may go up to LD #8 and see if I can talk to one of their computer guys. I gotta see if I can manage to get a format c:// drive rebuild after I get the programs necessary to rebuild my hard-drive after a total wipe of the system and after I backup my personal files (my JPG image files and RAW format images).

Actually...didn't manage to get up to #8. Heather called and wanted me to come down to #75 so I headed over to Cloverdale via the #320 Langley Centre bus. Of course my watch picks this happy little time to die so I had to leave early...thus having to suffer through seeing 2 Fleetwood buses (they both share the same stinkin' number) load and depart...and then having the third bus' driver make an entry mistake and hit Fleetwood. I sarcastically asked. " know when a Langley Centre bus is going to show up???" He grins and says..."Well...made an error...I am the Langley Centre bus..." D'OH!!! was also a full moon out tonight. Just as luck would have it, when the bus was about to depart three interesting individuals...evidently returning from downtown anime convention. You know that you're pretty much seen it all when you see a guy prancing around in a Sailor Moon costume. I would have thought I had drunk too much alcohol, but I don't have any in the house at the moment. was definitely a full moon out...all the lunatics were all partying tonight. It's 9:30PM by the time I get to Cloverdale so I browsed around the store aisles until two minutes to closing waiting on my wife to get off work. And we headed home together. Now...hopefully, I will be able to make some headway in cleanup tomorrow. At least the stinkin' dishes are done.

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