Friday, January 22, 2010

There are always signs...

After Dad passed away, it always seems as if there are signs that he's around. I see a sunrise in the morning when I take my kids to school or a simple clearing in the clouds on a cloudy day...just as if he was saying "hey, I'm still here watching over you."

I tended to be kind of a worrywart when I was growing up so this inner peace is kind of a new thing to me. And it's very rewarding. I'm not stressed about anything really.

I enjoy the days as they come, get what I need to get done and don't bother fretting about things that I no longer have any control over.

This sunrise on January 7, 2010 was one that I saw with my boys on their way to school. That day my heart was feeling rather heavy just thinking about "mortality" and how my dad's death had affected my life, when we all saw this beautiful sunrise while walking my kids to school. The whole sky lit up in cool purples and oranges as the sun started to peek over the horizon. These pictures don't do it justice.

This shot was on our way to my sons' school

This was coming home from dropping our kids off at school.

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