Friday, November 25, 2011

Family Like This??? Who Needs Enemies!!!

I cannot stand my maternal relatives. Evidently, I've become the black sheep of the family and frankly, I don't care. My oldest uncle is egotistical because he was 2nd in BC writing the provincial exams and he became an oh so-glorified, "my shit don't stink" statistician for the Canadian federal government. My 2nd uncle tends to be the "I'm going to follow whatever my sister and older brother says" type of person. If you don't have a backbone, then don't bother talking to me. Evidently, he doesn't think that I'm a "relative" to speak, but frankly, who gives a shit. Then of course he has the guts to tell me to my face: "I hope you're not here to cause any trouble". On top of that he's said some nasty things about my dad and about my dad's family. And if he's going to play that game, he'd better hope to hell I don't find his ass around my neck of the woods. Because he'll be wearing his ears as trousers.

And of course, everyone knows my innocent as a saint mother (spits). My mother has the only connection that I have to my father's side of the family, and she's going to take that information to her grave. The conniving bitch. I'm sorry to have to impugn my beloved grandmother, but my grandmother gave birth to the most conniving, egotistical assholes this side of Conrad Black.

The only person who I gave a shit about on my side of the family was my Dad. And if I don't get the information to track down my relatives in Japan, I won't have the opportunity to ever again. I don't want the information for myself: I want it for my kids who deserve to know more about their family than they know. They don't need to know about their asshole "wanna-be royalty" maternal side: (as far as I know, they were farmers and vegetable pickers) all because one of their ancestors was the Lord High Executioner (he was a burakumin despite his high and mighty title whereas the Chikamori were samurai and well respected).

Right now, my kids know more about their mother's side of the family than their dad's. My kids have a right to know their family in Japan. And my mother really doesn't want to get on my wrong side when it comes to knowing Dad's family. She will give up that information before she way or another.

I have no desire to know any of my relatives on my mother's side. Not a single iota of a chance. As far as I'm concerned, the family ended with my grandmother and grandfather. And my uncles and my mother can go to HELL as far as I'm concerned. Spit on my father's memory and they are as good as dead in my books.

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