Monday, March 12, 2012

Which Actress Could Play Mara.

Mara is an in-depth character. She's tough, sarcastic, opinionated and all the things that Luke Skywalker would end up geting irritated at first with, but falling in love with eventually. Now a lot of people would cast Nicole Kidman, or Uma Thurman because they're focussed on the physical resemblance. But a part of the Mara role would be whether or not the actor could come up with the innate traits that Mara has, her abrasiveness, the bitterness that stems from being a pawn in the machinations of Palpatine. I don't feel like Nicole Kidman has the experience in her repertoire to play a tough, abrasive, bitter ex-Imperial assassin. Gillian Anderson has that innate toughness.

And her looks do match...especially in this pregnancy photos.

Now ideally it would be nice to have Shannon McRandle do the character of Mara as she was the one that was originally picked to be Mara Jade for the CCG. But in case they could not get Shannon to do it, with her family requirements, I would say that Mara would next best be served by an actress who gets the gist of the character and has had the experience playing the angst-ridden, sarcastic, former assassin who falls in love with Luke Skywalker.

I think this painting of Mara Jade was influenced a lot by Gillian Anderson

A few more links of photos of Gillian Anderson with long hair

Maxim Photoshoot
Gillian as Mara after the Nirauan drenching?
Gillian as Mara in a little black dress? Hmmmm?
Gillian in a green sweater Would be nice to see her in a black bodysuit.
Another shot of Gillian.

Yes, she definitely would work as Mara Jade.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Annoying Commercials

Annoying commercials are a part of the advertising lexicon. They tend to grab you by the ears and make you take notice, whether you want to or not. Here's a couple for your perusement.

The singer in this Heineken commercial (is it just me or are Heineken commercials the most annoying commercials on TV as of late? I can barely understand what the f*ng hell she's singing, let alone understand why they've got that song on the advertisement to begin with.

Now using a Bollywood song "Jaan Pahechan Ho" to symbolize a "date in Chinatown" and advertising GERMAN beer????? WTF were they thinking????!! Figures ad execs can't tell the difference between Hindi and Cantonese.

This ad, La Vie Grand Marnier (The Life Grand Marnier) and it's inbred cousin "Apres-Ski" (After Skiing) are earworms enough to make you want to scream and run for the hills. The liquor may be nice, but the advertisement makes me want to bash a full bottle of Grand Marnier over the ad exec's head. "Yeah...Bonjour Monsieur??? F* YOU!!!!"

Sure, freak the poor gramma out. Then she'll have a myocardial infarction, kick the bucket then you won't be able to feed her your cereal. I can't find the one Kashi ad that really pisses me off, but in that ad there's this woman who speaks pedantically, "This is a strawberry, a real strawberry..." as the camera pans over a strawberry...then "This is an almond, a real almond"...No fucking shit...I thought it was a kumquat!!!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Training Ideas for the Canucks?

How to get the Canucks players to become Zack "Smaassh"ian clones. How to train our goalie for playoffs. Poor Lu's gonna cry.

I think this is a great idea!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Mini Goalie, Mini Player - Youtube.

Gotta love these McDonald's ads. ~evil grin~ Time for playoff hockey in 18 more games.