Sunday, December 29, 2013

Two Types of Asshole Drivers!!!

As I've said before in another post...I fucking hate tailgaters.

There seems to be two kinds of drivers in British Columbia that seem to piss most rational drivers off and there are VERY few of the rational drivers out there - they're about as rare as hen's teeth. In fact if you think that you're a rational driver, chances are; you're probably not. I'll absolutely 100% guarantee that you will fall within either one of the following categories.

#1) The "I Don't Know What The Fuck I'm Doing Behind The Wheel": (aka Richmond Driver, Asian Driver, Granny/Granpa): can be of any race or creed and can be of any age. These are the drivers who I call terminally stupid simply because they seem to lose their cognitive function when they get behind the wheel. - These are the idiots that will cut across two lanes to make a left or right turn because they didn't use enough foresight to think far enough ahead to make the lane changes prior to reaching the intersection. Or the idiot that can't seem to decide where he's going to turn and keeps going for five or six blocks with the signal light still on.

#2) The Over-Aggressive Jack-Ass: This encompasses road-ragers, tailgaters, speed-demons, Impatient Peters (I'll resist calling them "DICKS") and others of that ilk. These psychopaths have no regard for any safety measures, regularly flout speed limits as demeaning to their supposed "skill level", abuse other drivers and routinely cause havoc on British Columbia Roads as well as accidents.

There is a scarier driver than the Over Aggressive Jack-Ass and that's the IDKWTFIDBTW&OAJA combination. The Over Aggressive Jack-Ass "I Don't Know What The Fuck I'm Doing Behind The Wheel" combo is the type that you constantly see on driver forums touting their "supposed skill"; flaunting their mounds of speeding tickets and generally saying that they know how to handle their car. If they did know how to handle their car, they'd be driving in a calm rational manner, wouldn't they and their driving records would show it. These are also the ones thinking that they're an amateur road engineer or speed technician citing bullshit out their ears just because they haven't wrecked their car in three years though compiling an impressive list of near-misses. They're usually between 16 and 30 (though there is really no hard-line age-limit with this sub-type) and haven't had a rational road-safety thought in years. Their road skills amount to: hit the gas pedal and hope to hell they don't hit anything between Point A and Point B. These people are the reason why our insurance levels rise substantially over the years.

Most rational drivers have over 20+ years of Road-Star (with no claims in the past 10 years). If you are under 25 - you don't know what the fuck you're doing, you haven't developed enough skill behind the wheel yet. It doesn't matter what ICBC does, what will matter is when they start taking #1 and #2 and subtype #1&2 off the road. If ICBC does that, then the chance of accidents will go absolutely way down...mainly because the roads would be damned near empty. Ah... what a paradise that would be.

...if it weren't for civil liberties groups; but that's another rant for another time...

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Star Wars Episode VII in December 2015.

What an awesome situation to be in as a Star Wars fan. Though the franchise has gone from Lucas to the House of Mouse, the deeper pockets of Walt Disney Corporation will, provided they don't screw the franchise up, end up making a better movie with hopefully a better outcome. To tell you the truth, I wasn't too happy at the news that George Lucas sold his franchise, but his lifespan is finite. Walt Disney Co. can keep the franchise going for as long as there is a Disney corporation and that's probably something that George Lucas pictured in his vision of who would take control of his epic franchise. The last time I remember being this excited was in 1999 waiting for the Star Wars Episode 1 to be released. At the tender age of 7 in 1977, I was a bit too young to remember the Star Wars original saga - there was a lot of talk in the classrooms, but it all went over my head. But honestly, after Empire Strikes Back, going back to watch Star Wars A New Hope was amazing and I was onboard for the Return of the Jedi.

Over the past few months, there have been rumors of who is to play the key roles in Star Wars Episode VII and frankly, some of the names that have come up have made me wonder. Benedict Cumberbatch was a name tossed around. Given the animosity between Trekkies and Star Wars fans, will Trekkies forgive Khan for jumping to the Star Wars franchise? Who knows. Another question is - will they recognize the Expanded Universe and a) leave a bereaved Luke Skywalker mourning the death of his wife Mara Jade Skywalker or will they ignore the LOTF and bring Mara back to life OR will they blow the EU altogether and essentially say that everything from the the Truce at Bakura onwards was one big massive fever-dream of a delirious Luke Skywalker ailing from the Force Lightning onslaught of Emperor Palpatine and having been rescued by his father and going through the events of the finale of Return of the Jedi now lies recovering onboard the Mon Remonda - Admiral Ackbar's flagship.

Then of course, there is this: "I'm gonna call J.J. and you're gonna help by printing it and I'm gonna be in 'Star Wars'!" Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Man...if they make him either a) a Sith b) a SuperTrooper Mandalorian or (Hey, it could happen...)a Jedi. I wouldn't mind seeing him in that.

"May the Force Be With You...Jabroni!"

Monday, December 2, 2013


Had a fender-hugger on my six o'clock while I was driving down 132nd Street coming back from picking up my daughter from daycare. Normally, I'm a rather even-tempered fella when I'm behind the wheel driving, but that kinda shit makes me go completely bat-shit bananas. If I Q-brake, the asshole is going to have his front fender up my rectum and I'm not in that kinda mood nor do I swing that way.

That kinda person makes me want to pick up an ex-surplus Hummer with all the goodies.

Try riding my ass now, mother fucker!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

We need Thug-Control - Not Gun Control.

We, Asian-Canadians, need to be able to carry for our own protection and I'm not saying that its just Asians who should be able to, but anyone who is legally able to after having gone through background checks. I've got no problem with sticking up verbally and physically against some stupid dumbfuck who says "I'm gonna fucking knock you out." I'd hope he was capable enough of trying to knock me out in a fair one on one fight. But when that individual is with 3 or 4 of his burly white or black thug type friends, we Asians are at a bit of a disadvantage. I stand about 5'7" - 195 pounds soaking wet - in the USA, I'd probably be a card-carrying NRA, conservative. I would protect my family with my life and that's the only reason why I would carry.

You try to steal my rightful possessions or try to harm any member of my family, I should be able to put three shots center-mass in you whatever calibre in legal self-defense at the time that the illegal assault is occuring. As I like to say, there's a solution for delinquency - "it's a double-tap to the head".

People complain about criminals and advocate for gun laws. The problem with that picture is that the criminals don't use stores to get guns, they obtain them through the "black market" or by breaking into homes where a firearm is unsecured. You won't find a gangbanger going into a gunshop and buying a gun. He knows where he can get one for free.

We've seen the legal system in Canada swinging all the way to perp-coddling with 10 years sentences for murders. That is why the gun-owning populace is getting concerned with how our safety is thought of by the police and by the government.

Are we expendable targets for gangs and two-bit thugs? If someone tries to jack my car, I would (with legal carry permit), draw my then-legal sidearm and put two rounds in him, because given a 'him or me' situation, I'm going home to my wife and family and there is no negotiation on that point. I was the same way in security. I carried around a 4D Maglite regardless of the fact that the supervisors wanted me to only carry 3 - and I said and I quote. "If some jack punk decides he's going to take a swing at me in the parkade and he's got 4 or 5 of his drunk ass buddies with him, I'm going to lay his ass out, then I'm going to ask them "Who's next? I'm going home to my family at the end of my shift whether you like it or not." (now this was in the good ol' or bad ol' days before they allowed SOs to carry pepper-spray and handcuffs)

So...what's it going to be, Canada, are you going to allow the criminals to run amok in the streets. You're doing it already with the gangbangers who are allowed to run around capping each other not caring which innocent civilians get shot. And citizens who abide by the laws are living in fear. There's a simple solution. More of us need to be able to arm ourselves. If the police aren't going to protect us, we should be able to protect ourselves, and the lives of our loved ones. And if it takes double-tapping a wannabe gangbanger in the head who decides to break down the door because he wants to get initiated. So be it. Make the gangbangers afraid of who the hell they target, because that target could be armed and willing to respond. You fucking want to roll-over my family and take my legally obtained possessions because you want street cred, you'd better hope to hell you are willing to risk your life for it, because I'll put two man-stopper frangibles through your thug-life gangster ass between your 3rd and 6th ribs, center mass through the heart - full-stop.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

CANADA had the first Thanksgiving ever... SUCK IT...USA!

The history of Thanksgiving in Canada can be traced back to the 1578 voyage of Martin Frobisher from England in search of the Northwest Passage. His third voyage, to the Frobisher Bay area of Baffin Island in the present Canadian Territory of Nunavut, set out with the intention of starting a small settlement. His fleet of 15 ships was outfitted with men, materials, and provisions. However, the loss of one of his ships through contact with ice along with much of the building material was to prevent him from doing so. The expedition was plagued by ice and freak storms which at times had scattered the fleet and on meeting together again at their anchorage in Frobisher Bay, "... Mayster Wolfall, [ Robert Wolfall ] a learned man, appointed by her Majesties Councell to be their minister and preacher, made unto them a godly sermon, exhorting them especially to be thankefull to God for their strange and miraculous deliverance in those so dangerous places ...". They celebrated Communion and "The celebration of divine mystery was the first sign, scale, and confirmation of Christ's name, death and passion ever known in all these quarters." ~ "The Three Voyages of Martin Frobisher: in search of a passage to Cathai and India by the northwest AD 1576-1578", Cambridge University Press

So this was 1578...a full 43 years before the Septic Yanks celebrated their first Thanksgiving. Even better, the Canadians celebrated their Thanksgiving without taking from the Indians - they provided their own food, rather than eating what the Indians brought to the table. This act by the Pilgrims in America cements Americans as moochers throughout history.

Now, in place of thanksgiving for relief from potential disaster like Martin Frobisher - we celebrate like the Americans: Turkey, stuffing and fill your gut up until you practically are comatose from over-eating then watch a game on TV. How far we've fallen to the reprobates south of the border.

Anyhow, my wife now celebrates the Canadian Thanksgiving as opposed to the feast of excess and buffoonery down south of the 49th Parallel. And proudly waves a maple-leaf which she will be exchanging her blue passport to a maple leaf one as soon as she gets her Canadian citizenship. Thank God for Canada.

Thank God for Canadian Thanksgiving. Thank goodness we had Martin Frobisher who knew what he was truly thankful for: his life and the life of his crew and the act of preservation of their lives was what he raised his hands in supplication for in relief that his men were saved. Unlike the Seppos who think that Thanksgiving is a time to feed their already obese cakeholes in thanks of the plentiful harvest - Thanksgiving is truly a celebration of gratitude up here in Canada for our lives in this harsh climate - Especially North of 60 degrees latitude.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Photoshop...Gotta Love This Program.

If there's one thing that gets a lot of use on my computer, it's my graphics application program - Photoshop Elements. I use version 8. It has to be one of the most useful programs I've got. Since I'm a photographer, I tend to like to use that program for post processing. Even after 4 years of utilizing Elements, I haven't broken the tip of the iceberg on how to utilize this program, but I'm slowly learning. I mostly tend to utilize photoshop when I'm color-correcting or editing my photos.

...and no, I haven't seen an F5 tornado come up along the Fraser River lately. That's PURE photoshop trickery.

Nor have I seen a nuclear mushroom cloud go up over Rogers Arena. At least not yet, because Torts hasn't "blown up" on the Canucks as of yet, despite their losing streak.

This is purely fictional.

My latest PS creation: "Reason #1 to not drive a hydrogen-powered car".

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Friday Fog

The fog was absolutely insane on Friday night and Saturday night. Visibility in some parts were down to a few meters. This was a night that one doesn't speed. Too easy to get in a wreck.

Tree right across the parking area in front of the Burger King. The lights illuminate the drive-thru window on the Burger King, but it's definitely reducing the visibility.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Speed Test - Online Connection. Wayyyy better than Telus. Amended: After my wife switched to Telus: ~sigh~

Thursday, October 10, 2013


More f*ng cleanup! Anyways. There's a few more things that we have to do in order to make things nicey-nice. Well, here goes. Today we'll be working on the living room where we'll be sweeping the floor, mopping the floor and dusting the shelves and organizing it so that it looks tidy, Storm's room, the hallway which seems to collect dust on a minute-by-minute basis and pretty much has to be kept on top of every other day it seems. We also will be working on the downstairs room which is the storage room. The boys will work on the bedroom after they get back from going over to Grandma's. Tomorrow, I'll tackle the sink, mop the floor and make things a little more presentable. But we'll see just exactly what we can get done today.

OK...back home from getting my daughter to day-care and into washing the last of the cutlery that needed washing. Finished sweeping the kitchen floor and now into boiling some water so that I have some good extremely hot water and disinfectant to mop the floor. Then I will sweep and mop the living room floor. In the interim, I've folded clothes, so that the clothes are all done.

I have to say that I have some major complaints about the size of the kitchen. When two adults stand in the middle of this kitchen, both will feel claustrophobic. That's how small this damned kitchen is. I keep saying "one of these days..." but it's definite. There is going to be an entire revamping of the layout of this house. Sooner than later, if I win the Lotto Max - have to play though. However given the choice between playing Lotto and having a better financial situation, I've got better things to spend our money on - our kids.

0955 - Kitchen and bathroom mopped. Laundry folded and neatly set up to put away; stove-top cleaned off. My kids will put away the dishes when they get home from school - that's one of their tasks.

1257 - Working on daughter's bedroom to organize it better than it currently is.

Daughter's closet is now cleared out but unfortunately we have to share closet space until we manage to get some sort of decent built in closet in our bedroom.

Toyboxes/Diaper ChangeStation-Bookshelf Unit completely cleaned up and non-toybox toys are all stacked neatly. Meanwhile my wife is going through her winter clothes.

Prior to making the bed. Shot of Dad's Desk where I still have to work on getting it clear, but the rest of the listed stuff that needs doing comes first.

Foot of daughter's bed.

Bed made up, and excess stuffies placed neatly on rocking chair.

After four hours of tackling my daughter's bedroom, it now looks like this. The top shelf has Easter and Christmas wrapping since we don't have a place for those things with easy accessibility. My desk has to stay where it is as we have no other place for it and I need a place to work myself.

Evidently, the rocking-chair is the gathering place for the over-flow stuffed animals until we can somehow manage to get a proper toy box.

Friday, September 13, 2013

I hate Fall Cleanup just as much as I hate Spring Cleanup!

Talk about busy these past few days. Wednesday, I got done the kitchen and made it presentable, Thursday - the living room. Tackling my daughter's room today along with some throwing out of some clothes that I intend to do this week should make things a lot more user friendly for the condition of this home. It always seems like the place needs a major overhaul in order to make this place seem the slightest bit liveable. However I intend to lay down some groundrules.

a) WE are getting a portable dishwasher; I have a photography career that I am trying to build up from the bottom up. And if I constantly have to keep cleaning up the house, there is no way that I'll have time to build up my career. The condition of the house has been pathetic and it stops right here and that starts with the place in the house that I spend the most time in trying to keep the dishes clean: the kitchen!

I used to want a lot of books, a lot of toys, a lot of junk that would make me happy. Now, I don't need that. If I have my camera, my lenses, my computer and a way of transferring my images from camera to computer and onto the web, I'm perfectly happy. That and my family. That's all I need in this world now. I don't need the constant rat race, I could be living out of a hovel and still have a perfectly good standard of living. Money isn't the objective anymore. As far as money is concerned, just enough to pay my taxes, eat, keep a roof over my head and gas in my gas tank and a little left over so that I can save up towards upgrading my camera equipment and I'd be a pig in mud - happy as hell.

b) we are getting rid of things that we no longer need in this house. That means everybody. The more things we have in this house means the less space that we have to utilize. Hoarding stops now.

c) I fully intend that there will be rules in the house: 1) wash dishes as you use them so that we don't have to do so much. The dishwasher will mainly be for pots and pans during a cooking session and for cleaning up big messes like when we clean out the fridge annually but what we will not be utilizing these for every day dishes.

d) Having time will mean being able to do more things - not necessarily stuff to do with cleaning the house, but fun family things. I won't be so harried and we will have the freedom to be able to do everything that we could possibly want to.

And that means a much more enriching life. And more enriching means "photography" to me because that's what makes me feel like I'm living. And now that my oldest son and second oldest son plan to learn what they can about photography, they have started coming out on my shooting expeditions (at least on the weekends). I will be grooming all three (my 2 sons and my daughter) to take over my photography business and chart it to where they want it to go after my death.

Hopefully tomorrow I can tackle the bedroom and I'm saving the last spot for Sunday or Monday -- the bathroom. UGH! Then once that is done - it's finished. And we will also have an idea of what other necessities for organization that we need: I've already counted in a blanket box, a few more containers and storage cabinetry for the kitchen. I'm tired of not having enough space and plan to utilize that area beside the fridge to make it more handy. We'll see how that goes.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Barely Political - Key of Awesome,

Mark Douglas is hysterically funny. With the recent performance of Mumford & Sons up here in Holland Park in Surrey; this particular musical parody was very timely.

LYRICS: Grab every single one of your friends And start a Mumford band Take a Mumford stand Ya don't need a drummer in a Mumford Band Ya just stomp your feet and ya clap yer hands Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh Pack yer bags. We're goin' to mumford land We got our own spoonman Scuse me sir I'd like to know where is this Mumford land? It's somewhere between Limmerick and Williamsburg Brookland So pull up your suspenders, chug another jug of wine Tonight we're gonna party like it's 1899 We strum on our guitars so hard, we break our strummin' hands We use the toaster filter when we post on instagram We used to be the house band for The Antiques Roadshow Someone sound the trumpets now lets do some hey's and ho's Ho's and Hey's Hey's and Ho's 3 cheers for the Lumineers They're a Mumford Band And Phillips Phillips He's a Mumford man Well he's more of a Mumford kid. We saw "Oh Brother Where art Thou" And said lets start a band right now Our clothing and our songs are hand me downs (spoon solo) They way we play is pure and honest bordering on weird and Amish Technology is what we abolish in Mumfordland Cus we're a Mumford band The oldest latest fad Laddie plays the washboard, Wendel plays the fipple flute Bare Knuckle boxing's How they settle band disputes Emmet plays the jews harp and Bill plays his own mustache Thaddeus the barkeep and he makes us cocktails in a flash Joe scratches the victrola like an old timey DJ Jill's on social media she twitters from the stage We've got too many members now the stage is cavin' in Can't tell where the audience ends and where the band begins Hey mumford fans We need an ambulance

Absolutely Priceless and Mark also rips Twilight too...and anyone who rips that abomination of a movie deserves a shout-out.

Twilight Sucks (Emo Vampire Songs)

Lyrics: (spoken) Wolves. Children of a night. What sweet music they make,eh? How old are you? I have crossed oceans of time to find you. You're breath smells like dirt. (sings) Ill never be an emo vampire Setting tweenaged loins on fire Ive got nothing in common with the vampires of today They gaze at girls and pout and brood and then just run away This Twilight hack thinks she can come along and change the Vampire rules I guess sleeping in coffins and wearing capes, suddenly isnt cool Girls wont climb up trees with me or canoodle in the grass And when I play Vampire baseball I always get picked last [spoken] Seriously dudes. Thats a human you just picked over me. Ive seduced all kinds of women from all over the world But, now the only dates I get are with chunky gothic girls When did all these Vampires become abstinent and whiny When I walk into the sun I dont get all bright and shiny Vampires dont have purity rings like undead Jonas Brothers If I cant score with these high school girls perhaps Ill go for their mothers [spoken] Why not? When youre 600 years old theres no such thing as a cougar. Ill never be an emo vampire Setting tweenaged loins on fire Ill have no participation In this vampire pussification So wake me up when the world grows a pairof... ...fangs [spoken] You thought I was going to say balls didnt you?

These guys are great. Check 'em out at Barely Political - Key of Awesome

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Casting Star Wars Ep. 7????

With the hoopla over JJ Abrams taking on the casting and directing of Star Wars Episode 7, it will be very interesting to see exactly what he comes up with. Over the next few days, I'll see if I can come up with some actresses and actors who might make some good characters for what I think Episode 7 would become.

The first being the female offspring of Han Solo and Leia Organa - Jaina Solo. Considering the ages of Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford, I believe that Zoe McLellan could play the role of Jaina who would be in her early to mid 20s if the continuity was to be 30 years after the Return of the Jedi.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Melody - Love Story (A Japanese Pop Song).

Melody - "Love Story"

nagarete yuku hitogomi no naka
ushiro sugata zutto mite ita
unmei no itazura de deaeta kiseki o dakishimete
kizutsuite mo ii setsunakute mo ii
ima dake shinjite

mogaite egaite yuku koi monogatari
mienai asu tsuzuri nagara
kodoku ni tatazumu toki soba ni itai no
mayowanai youni

mimi ni nokoru anata no koe o
mabuta tojite omoidashiteru
modokashisa ni tsukarete dare ka o kizutsukeru no naraba
yasashii egao mo mune utsu kotoba mo
wasuretai keredo

mogaite egaite yuku koi monogatari
hajimarazu ni owaru no nara
kokoro ni kagi o kakeru
kanawanu koi ga mezamenai youni

omoi o tsutaeraretara
hoka ni wa nani mo iranai
kodomo mitai ni sunao ni naku watashi o
anata no te de mezamesasete

mogaite egaite yuku koi monogatari
mou ichido koe o kikitai
todokanu hodo ni tooku hanarete ite mo
mayowanai youni

mienai asu tsuzuri nagara
kodoku ni tatazumu toki soba ni itai no
futari itsuka sugao no mama deaeta nara
tsuyoku dakishimete

"Rabbits Are Delicious" - Misheard Lyrics - "Furusato" 故郷 - Hometown.

There is a song that I heard on this documentary about Fukushima. Since I am Japanese (Japanese-Canadian), the lyrics touched home. Even though Japan is not where I was born; even the Nikkeijin who were born outside of Japan hears a siren-call to Japan, the land of their ancestors.

The English Lyrics are as follows:

"I chased rabbits in those mountains
I fished in that stream
I still dream now and then about those days as a child
How I long for and miss my hometown
How are my father and mother?
Are my old friends okay?
Whenever it is rainy and windy
I recall my happy childhood in my hometown
Some day when I’ve done what I set out to do,
I will return to what used to be my home The mountains are green there in my hometown."

The Japanese Lyrics in Romaji (romanized Japanese) are as follows:

"Usagi oishi kano yama
Kobuna tsurishi kano kawa
Yume wa ima mo megurite
Wasuregataki furusato.
Ikani imasu chichi-haha,
tsutsuganashi ya tomogaki,
ame ni kaze ni tsuketemo,
omoiizuru furusato.
Kokorozashi o hatashite,
itsunohinika kaeran,
yama wa aoki furusato,
mizu wa kiyoki furusato."

It is one of my favorite songs and one of these days, I do hope to get a chance to visit Japan. I do wish to go to Kyoto and pay my respects to my ancestors and to bring a part of my father's legacyback home to Japan.

For the people who don't get the titular joke. Oi-shi (chasing) is also pronounced similarly to the word oishi which is "delicious", so periodically it confuses the heck out of people when they think they heard "Rabbits are delicious in those mountains". I've never tasted rabbit I wouldn't know.

Here are a few other versions that are favorites:

Il Divo singing in Japan one year after Fukushima.

Japanese Self Defence Force Concert

This is so poignant as every time the Self-Defence Forces deploy to places like Afghanistan (where Japanese soldiers have been captured by the Taliban), they don't know if they'll see their hometown again. So this is especially fitting

No matter what, it speaks of the love and the longing that Japanese feel for their hometown or country. In my case it would be Kyoto, where my ancestors, my uncles and my cousins lived and worked.